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Selection subset: 1372.
Ilość ankiet w tym zbiorze: 1.
Accepted and processed
#1372 - Survey sent on 03.02.2011, 15:58:17
Exchange student
, studia magisterskie,
has studied at SGH for 1 semester,
mieszkając w Warszawie.
O swojej rodzimej uczelni i kraju pochodzenia napisała:
There are computers available for students are each building of the university
- Brakuje:
- Computers for students
- Należy:
- There should be more computers available for students and better facilities such as bigger swimming pool and gym. The most important thing is that there is no place for group studying no bigger rooms where sudents can study together in a peaceful environment not like cafeteria.
create places to store bikes and provide locker rooms with showers for their users
create a nice garden in the center of the campus with a stage for performances and summer lectures
create apartments on the campus for visiting lecturers (and students!)
- Cenię:
- building C is quite nice and decent
the Library - a historically very unique building
- Przeszkadza:
- there're no plans of building layouts and no signs in English
- Uwagi: