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#660 - Survey sent on 19.01.2011, 20:19:49
Exchange student
, studia magisterskie,
has studied at SGH for 2 semesters,
mieszkając w akademiku innej uczelni.
O swojej rodzimej uczelni i kraju pochodzenia napisał:
I am studying at Viadrina University in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany at the border to Poland.
- Brakuje:
- free access to working WiFi net in every building
comfortable places to sit while waiting for lectures
a quiet place to study and relax (which isn't in the Library building)
sport facilities, any
- Należy:
- create a nice garden in the center of the campus with a stage for performances and summer lectures
build a swimming pool that is not a joke (I would have used it!)
- Cenię:
- ESN is a great and well organized team of students.
building C is quite nice and decent
cafe in building C
probably only the people here are what's great about WSE
- Przeszkadza:
- building W, F and to a lower extend G is in a very, very bad condition
equipment in lecture rooms was a bloody disaster: no power outlets to charge notebook, especially in newly constructed Building G
The general organisation of the university is the worst I have ever encountered in my career as a student (and I've been part of 5 institutions in 4 different countries so far). Professors not showing up for 30-50% of their lectures without informing the students. Professors randomly changing office hours without any online notice. The majority of personnel in the university administration are reluctant to support foreign (or maybe any) students in their requests. For all I've witnessed here, this institution is not worthy of its excellent reputation.
Moreover, approximately 70% of the courses taught at Master's level in English would be considered Bachelor level in terms of difficulty and educational aspiration in any other university I've been at. For most of the exams students prepare by learning old exam material by heart instead of printing and learning the actual lecture material or reading the proposed books - it's simply not worth it here.
- Uwagi:
- Warsaw is a great place to study and there are great people, especially students, at WSE. However, the university itself is the worst I have seen so far no matter from where you look at it, be it in terms of organisational or educational excellence.