Decyduj o rozwoju SGH

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#730 - Survey sent on 20.01.2011, 09:21:25

Exchange student , studia magisterskie, has studied at SGH for 9 semesters, mieszkając w Sabinkach. O swojej rodzimej uczelni i kraju pochodzenia napisał:
I come from Kishinev, Republic of Moldova.

The scholarship had (and still is) been payed out very late. I went to Warsaw 27th Sep and had to wait to 25th Oct. It was not a good time.

move all the parking spaces from inside the campus underground
create places to store bikes and provide locker rooms with showers for their users
create a nice garden in the center of the campus with a stage for performances and summer lectures
build a swimming pool that is not a joke (I would have used it!)
Sabinki not to look like a hospital
create apartments on the campus for visiting lecturers (and students!)

What was good - there are no bribes in WSE.
Kitchens un dormitories.

Great noise in Sabinki. Too much partying.
accoustics in lecture halls A, Aula I & Aula II was horrible, couldn't hear a thing
building W, because it looks like a liceum
Too high prices of printing/copying services.

Reduce bureaucracy.